Drippings from the Honeycomb
More to be desired are [the rules of the Lord] than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. (Psalm 19:10)
You have been praying about something, trying to discern God’s special/hidden will for you. (I.e. We don’t need to pray about whether or not to murder, or attend church or steel, etc—God has clearly revealed the answers to these in His general will, the Bible). Discern God’s special will is more circumstantial and revolves around, ‘what does God want me to be when I grow up,’ ‘who should I marry,’ ‘what job should I take,’ ‘where should I live,’ ‘what ministry is He calling me to,’ etc. Knowing we can mistake our desires for God’s, be unduly influenced by the world, and even be lead astray by demons—we must test the spirits (1 Jn 4:1).
Here are a few ways God can speak to us; how he might reveal His will. Sometimes many come together, like the Lord shouting an answer. All of them can be subjective and so much be beholden to the Word of God: 1.In prayer: Often when we are speaking to God, He speaks back. Are we listening? 2.Though God’s Word: When we read the Bible in context, the Spirit will often apply the message of a passage to us. Be ready for the living Word to speak! 3.In the Church: As we are faithful in this means of grace the Lord may speak through song or a sermon. Let us be diligent. 4.Through the wisdom of Christian friends: Proverbs says much about many counsellors. Turning to a trusted and wise Christian friends may reveal an answer. 5.By receiving an impression of heart: Sometimes the Lord simply impresses the answer deeply upon our heart or mind. 6.Through common truth/experience: As all truth is God’s truth, sometimes the Lord will use the strangest things (like a piece of music) to convict us of His will. 7.By reason: God gave us a brain to us, as we think through our question in light of God’s word things often begin to become clearer. 8.Circumstantially: If there are three options (A, B and C) when we go to bed, but in the morning only C, Providence has forced our hand. 9.Audibly or in Dreams/Visions: While less common, the Lord can speak or reveal an answer in a dream. However, despite all of these things, sometimes we must wait upon the Lord for an answer, doing His general will in the meantime; trusting He will direct us. If we embark on a certain course, believing it to be God’s will, we must remain open to re-direction. In all of these, we ultimately move forward in faith. Comments are closed.
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